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Reading Recommendations 


Who Came Down That Road? by George Ella Lyon

“The road is just a trace through the woods, but folks have been traveling it thousands of years.                                                       Each turn of the page reveals who and what preceded a young boy and his mother walking there,                                                   his questions and her answers leading them back through grandparents, Indians, buffalo, woolly                                        mammoths, and fish, to the sea itself. “


As you read this story, think about Stratford Road Road as it goes north from the junction                                                                 of U.S. 23 & OH 315 along the Olentangy River.


Included in all of the 3rd grade Teacher Tote Bags.

  • Check-out at the Delaware County District Library

  • Order at Bean Bag Books

  • Purchase on Amazon


The Cabin on Trouble Creek (novel) by Jean Van Leeuen

“After clearing enough forest to build a log cabin for their new home (in Delaware County near Radnor,                                known then as Delhi), Pa returns east to fetch the rest of the family, while young brothers Daniel and Will                                stay behind to watch the land. Pa had planned to return within six weeks . . . but something must have gone                               wrong. Now the boys must survive the winter with only a few supplies and their ability to invent and                                       improvise. But are they alone in the woods?”

Jean Van Leeuwen’s engrossing novel of pioneer survival is based on a true incident in Delaware County history.

Included in all the 3rd grade Teacher Tote Bags.

  • Check-out at the Delaware County District Library

  • Order at Bean Bag Books

  • Purchase on Amazon 

                         History Smashers: Women's Right to Vote by Kate Messner

                                 "In 1920, Susan B. Anthony passed a law that gave voting rights to women in the United States. RIGHT?
                                  WRONG! Susan B. Anthony wasn't even alive when the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified. Plus, it takes                                        a lot more than one person to amend the constitution. The truth is, it took millions of women to get that                                        amendment into law. They marched! They picketed! They even went to jail. But in the end, it all came down                                    to a letter from a state representative's mom. No joke."

                                   Enjoy this graphic novel telling the true story of the fight for women's suffrage. 

Other books about history by this author: History Smashers: The Mayflower; Ranger in Time series; and The Next President.

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Ohio History in Children's Literature: Fiction and Nonfiction Resources

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Ohio History

Looking for reading material related to Ohio history? Download this select list of novels, historical fiction, nonfiction, informational text, picture books, and poetry. There are links to numerous web resources including from the Ohio Historical Connection, the Smithsonian, and the National Park Service. 

Ohio History in Children's Literature .pdf

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