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2024-25 Delaware County Historical Society School Programs Flyer
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Early Settlers

Walk with an Archeologist
Are you an archeologist? Do you like to dig in the dirt? Find things that are lost? Put pieces together?
Figure out stories from clues? Learn about the past? These are all things archeologists do—maybe you're one, too! Archeology is tons of dirt-digging, story-telling, mystery-solving fun. Like you, many archeologists caught the archeology bug as kids. Get started by looking through this site.
Dig in! to more activities here.

Along the Ohio Trail
This booklet, published by the auditor of the state of Ohio, covers the early history of the Ohio lands. Click here to download.
Cultural Communities of Delaware County: Early Settlers and American Indians 1770-1850

Lesson Plans and Resources related to the Cultural Communities video program
What cultures were represented during the early days of our county's history? What were some of their difficulties? How did they interact? This program gives insight into the lives of the early European settlers and American Indians. The reenactors speak in the words of the historical figures taken from their diaries, newspapers, and other accounts from the time. Nine vignettes including William Little, Laura Carpenter, Reverend Finley, Benjamin Franklin Thomas, Dolly Bxybe, American Indian games, Drake's Defeat, Africa, Ohio, and dance inspired by Lenni Lenape traditions are narrated to guide the audience from 1770-1850 Delaware, Ohio. An artifact program with items people of this time period would have used is linked at the end of the program.****This program won the 2021 Award for public programs from the Ohio Local History Alliance.
Request a link to this online video by emailing schools@delawareohiohistory.org.
Cultural Communities Timeline 1770-1850

Lesson Plans and Resources related to Cultural Communities video program
Cultural Communities Program Bibliography
*This is a large pdf file and may take a minute to download onto a new page.
These pages include a bit of information about the Delaware County people:
Stewart Crawford information
Benjamin Franklin Thomas information
William Little information

This program was sponsored in part by the Ohio Arts Council, the Betty Sheets Family and the Delaware Foundation.